Delta Hotels Indoor Pool Renovation

Location icon Ottawa, Canada
N.º de ref.: 2


Yarda Concrete Restoration, Waterproofing, and Installation of Floor and Wall Coverings
Ubicación Ottawa, Canada
Subcategoría HOTEL/INN
Construido en 1967
Abierto en 1967
Aplicación MAPEI products help make hotel pool leakproof
With leaks from the Delta Hotels Ottawa City Centre’s showcase 50-year-old indoor swimming pool becoming a nuisance to keep up with, the hotel’s management decided it was time to repair the underlying concrete and waterproofing system, while updating the pool area with a new, modernized look.
Fecha de inicio y finalización 2018/2019
Tipo de aplicación Sistemas de instalación de losetas y piedras, Impermeabilización
Propietario Delta Hotels by Marriott
Distribuidor de MAPEI Prosol
Créditos Justin Richard (Urbano)
Coordinación de MAPEI Justin Lafontaine

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Producto usado en el proyecto

Kerapoxy [NA]
Kerapoxy [NA]
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Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Membrana impermeabilizante de calidad superior y de aislamiento de grietas …
Planitop 330 Fast
Planitop 330 Fast
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Planitop FD
Planitop FD
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Sistema Kerabond/Keralastic
Sistema Kerabond/Keralastic
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Topcem Premix
Topcem Premix
Mortero de enrasado listo para usar Topcem Premix es un mortero de curado…
Ultracolor Plus FA
Ultracolor Plus FA
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Mapecem 100
Mapecem 100
Product not available for this market,
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MAPEI Ultralite Mortar
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar
Product not available for this market,
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3000258 - Ultraflex 3
Ultraflex 3
Product not available for this market,
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