Thixotropic, two-component epoxy adhesive for structural bonding.
Adesilex PG1 is a two-component epoxy resin based product with special hardeners, selected fine aggregates and special additives.
Adesilex PG1 hardens in a few hours by chemical reaction alone, without shrinkage, becoming a compound with exceptional adhesion and mechanical strength.
Adesilex PG1 can be used for strengthening structural elements such as carbon fibre plates, bonding steel plates precast concrete elements and for sealing large cracks.
Adesilex PG1 can also be used to repair the edges of joints in industrial floors subject to heavy traffic.
Pour component B (white) into component A (grey) and mix with a low speed electric stirrer until completely even, i.e. a uniform grey colour.
Adesilex PG2 meets the minimum requirements of EN 1504-4.

1.65-1.75 kg/m2 per mm of thickness.

6 kg (A B) and 2 kg (A B).

Related documentation

Technical data sheet

Last Projects ADESILEX PG1

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