Christophe Jeauneau
General Manager of Mapei France

Q&A with Christophe Jeauneau, General Manager of Mapei France.

Why is Mapei World Paris important for Mapei’s strategy in France?

The opening of Mapei World Paris is an important event in Mapei’s history in France. This project came from a desire to be at the heart of major Parisian projects and close to decision-makers in line with our «closer to you» strategy and to be acknowledged as a major player in France and worldwide.

With Mapei World Paris Paris, we strengthen our partnership with all players in the building industry, providing them with information, training, and Mapei products/solutions and expertise in one single place. Mapei World Paris is designed around different spaces for interaction, specifications, coworking and training. It is also a lively place hosting events and animation.

We will develop these spaces and content to adapt to our customers’ evolving needs. 


Who is Mapei World Paris designed for?

Mapei World Paris is addressed to all our customers: architects and designers, companies, industrialists, retailers, and also DIYers who can find information, expert advice and training.

Furthermore, we are working with our business and sports partners, training organizations and schools, suppliers, manufacturers, federations and institutions to organize joint events, conferences and meetings.


Why did you choose this location?

It was essential to be in the center of Paris, to get closer to our customers, partners and decision makers. We chose Boulevard Sébastopol, a centric, dynamic and much-frequented district, very close to metro and train stations. Mapei World Paris is also near the Maison de l’Architecture (Architecture House) and Arts et Métiers Museum.

The 500 m2 building, located in front of a park, has a beautiful natural stone façade, typical of the Haussmann period. We have kept the original fittings, like the natural stone flooring in the basement and the beautiful handrail made of wrought iron. These materials blend in very well with the Mapei cementitious and resin floorings, concrete, wood and metal that cover the Mapei World Paris spaces.

Which key French building projects is Mapei France currently involved in?

We are involved in the construction of tunnels along the Grand Paris Express transport system and the Lyon-Turin railway line, some of the most important infrastructure projects in Europe, supplying expertise and solutions for underground works. We are, of course, getting ready for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. We are also participating in key projects in other cities, like the redevelopment of the Lyon La Part-Dieu district and the exhibition park in Toulouse.

At a time when the national economy is growing more slowly, what opportunities are there for Mapei in France?

Despite a complex economic context, building has remained at a high rate with 400 000 new houses constructed in 2018. Moreover, our market is changing with new competitors on the market: this transformation could also open up new opportunities. To strengthen our position, we are remaining customer-oriented, getting closer to our customers and offering new services. We are also strengthening the green side of our operations to reduce energy consumption and the impact on health and the environment and to optimize costs. With the French FRET 21 program we just signed for example, we are committed to reducing CO2 emissions from our transport operations over 3 years, corresponding to over 500 tons of CO2 each year.


How important is investment in strengthening Mapei France’s position on the market?

As Giorgio Squinzi, CEO of the Mapei Group, has often said, it is vital to “never stop pedaling”. Investment and innovation enable us to maintain and reinforce our business partnerships and also be more attractive. That is why we continue to invest in new equipment and infrastructures like Mapei World Paris, but also in new markets like DIY stores that are now widespread in France.  We are also developing new services to facilitate partners and end users’ jobs. Mapei Chantier by Mapei Academy is a good example: our team goes to worksites or retail point of sales to inform, welcome and train our partners and customers with a trailer fully equipped with slabs for applying products, Mapei materials and technical documentation. Comfort is also very important in the development of our new products and packaging. That is why we have launched easy SPRINT opening. Thanks to a strip on the top of the bag, craftsmen and end-users can open bags smoothly and easily in one second. We are also launching ULTRALITE MULTI and ULTRALITE MULTIFLEX, cementitious mortars in 15 kg bags that can be mixed in fluid or normal consistency and are easily adaptable worksite characteristics. The bags also feature a handle for better handling the products.


How is the private building industry performing in France?

Since the beginning of the year, housing work has decreased by 7.8% and multi-unit buildings by 7.1%. On the other hand, thanks to key projects, the overall situation is promising: publics works are still robust and the production of ready-mix concrete has increased by 3%.


Which are the most promising Mapei product lines in France?

We are specifically strengthening our expertise in solutions for concrete repair, sewerage and public and underground works to contribute to key projects in these fields. We are also strengthening our position on the decorative and industrial markets, especially with our coatings and systems for resin and cementitious floors. Finally, we are also focused on new markets for Mapei in France with the solutions for the marine industry.


Project information

specification centre
Paris, France
Built in
Opened in
supply of products for resin flooring, ceramic installation and wall coatings
Start and finish date
Application Type
Facade interventions, Installation of floors, Cementitious & resin flooring systems
Contractor company
Mapei France
Installer companies
Christophe Montico (MAPEI)
Marc Campesi
Specialists involved
Marc Campesi
MAPEI, Eric Thierry, Damien Besson
MAPEI Coordination
Sylvain Tardan, Philippe Méric
Christophe Jeauneau
General Manager of Mapei France
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